Today’s Lesson:: Resilient

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Date August 11, 2021


Today’s Lesson:: Resilient Let’s mark a new tradition

I wanted to take a moment in the mist of projects, clients and back-to-school chaos to touch base with you and wish you and your family well!

This is probably the first school year ever where pajamas are more than adequate for that first day of school pictures! LOL

But its also a new school year where we are unsure of how to proceed, what’s going to happen, and where parents have had to become teachers overnight.

And, if I may, let me suggest that we try to make it as positive as we can for our kids! Yes, its crazy frustrating for all of us. So let’s use this time and experience to teach our kids to be RESILIENT.

To be able to withstand or recover from difficult situations. Teach them to adapt to change, circumstances and things outside of their control. We can model this for them and help them navigate through the beginning of this school year with ease and positivity.

If you need to accommodate your home to create a better “home/school space” for this school year, let me know. We are more than happy to help you remodel a part of your home as an office that would be functional to your student(s) as well as your decoration.

But above all, this message is intended to reach out to you and your families and wish you well during these chaotic times. Because together, in community, we will all overcome this.