What happens now??

img blog 12
DateAugust 11, 2021


Things slowly but surely are returning to normal. Well, the “new normal” as many are referring to it.

Social distancing practices are implemented every where we go. And, it’s even become normal and “appropriate” to have us wear masks even when walking into a bank!!

Who would’ve known?! While we are all crossing our fingers our world really goes back to normal, one thing I’ve learned this 2020 is that life is full of unexpected surprises. Health is vital and home is our safe space.

So tell your loved ones you love them. Spend quality time with your kids, no matter their age. Do things in life that you find pleasure in and enjoy. Live in a home that is both pleasurable and aesthetic to your taste. Because like many of our clients, the weeks we all spent quarantined in our homes gave them the time to become more acquainted with all the flaws in the home

For example, the outdated kitchen cabinets staring at them for weeks. The frayed carpeting in the family room that needs to be replaced by hardwood. Or the spare bedroom that needs to be converted into a dedicated office now that working from home is becoming even more normal than ever.

We are here to help.

While we can’t tell your loved ones your feelings (we will totally leave that to you!), we can, however, help you make your home feel like the dream home you’ve always wanted.

Yes, home is our safe place. But it’s also a representation of our vision, our family and our lifestyle.

If you’d like to set up a free appointment with our Designer, Karina, to discuss your home project, please let me know. We’ll be sure to get you on her schedule soon!